Who helps us make a dream come true?
A dream of the children of Manéah and of all its inhabitants.
All they really want is a village where they can live, work go to school, get cared for when they fall ill, can develop their talents, make music and dance…
In 2011 my native village, Manéah, in West African Guinea, was hit by a severe flood. Some people lost their lives, many more lost all their posessions. The village itself lost a large part of its infrastructure, including the school building.
Thanks to our NGO, Children’s Dreams for Africa, the village is starting to get back on its feet. Earlier this year we could celebrate our first big success when the new school building was officially opened and welcomed its first pupils.
For many of the children this meant that for the first time in almost three years they could go back to school. There are many children in Manéah: 60% of the population is below 16 years of age.
The present school building has three classrooms, but we aim to add more, so your support is still needed. Not only monetary support, but also school supplies like notebooks, pencils and pens.
Our projects are small scale and can be accomplished with relatively small amounts of money.
Our next project is building and equipping a small hospital for first aid and medical emergencies.
As an NGO we have acquired ANBI-status on behalf of the Dutch government which means that the NGO is acknowledged for tax-free gifts.